Our international schools blog is somewhere to share ideas, exchange opinions and take part in a bigger conversation about ideas and trends in the world of education. But with lots of articles, it can be hard to keep up to date, especially for busy teachers.
So in case you missed out, here are the top ten most popular posts on our blog in the last year!
1. Read about the debate on banning homework
This post is part of our Big Debate series, where we talk about issues that schools and teachers grapple with everywhere, like banning smartphones, or school uniforms. In this post the focus was on homework – the pros, the cons, and a look at the impact on families and young people amidst the lost learning of the last couple of years.
Read Should homework be banned?: The big debate.
2. Learn how to help your students build resilience
What do we mean by resilience? It’s the ability to overcome stressful and difficult events and move forward with your life. And, after a difficult few years, it’s more important than ever to help students develop their resilience to the challenges that they will face in their lives. This article shares some techniques to build your students’ resilience.
Read Five ways to build resilience in students.
3. Get to know the new IB Knowledge Framework with ready-to-use TOK lesson plans
This article will help you plan Theory of Knowledge lessons. In it, you’ll find an overview of the most important elements of the Knowledge Framework. There are also four free lesson plans, covering the topics of history, cultural perspective, ethics and art, and the power of sense perception.
Read about the Knowledge Framework and download the lesson plans.
4. Discover the five productivity apps every 21st century teacher should have
The life of a teacher is notoriously busy. On top of their classroom teaching, educators have to plan lessons, mark students’ work, keep up to date with paperwork – the list is endless! But there are apps out there which can help you manage your time and juggle your workload more efficiently.
Read about the best productivity apps for busy teachers.
5. Read the most frequently asked questions about Pearson Online Schools Services
Learn about Pearson Online Schools Services, a powerful online learning platform which can be used in international schools to support blended learning. This article will answer all your questions on the platform, and suggest ways in which you can integrate the Online Schools Services into your own school.
Read more about Pearson Online Schools Services.
6. Learn about the effectiveness of an online school in an online environment
When the pandemic hit, schools were forced to move online quickly. Now there’s no doubt about it – online learning is here to stay. This article looks at the different elements of online school – how learning is structured differently, and how virtual classrooms differ from their bricks-and-mortar counterparts.
Read about the effectiveness of an online school in an online environment.
7. Teach your students to recognise fake news
Fake news was the word of the year in 2017 – and since then, misinformation has only continued to spread across the world through social networks. Against a background of Covid misinformation, how can we teach our students the vital skill of being able to identify false information? This article shares some ideas.
Learn how to teach your students to recognise fake news.
8. Learn the future career skills your students will need
The Pearson Future of Skills report found that today’s students will be working in roles that don’t yet exist, thanks to rapid advancements in technology. So how can we prepare students for the future world of work? It seems like an impossible task. But with a focus on soft skills, we can make sure students are independent and flexible learners, so they’ll be well-equipped for the changes they’ll inevitably face.
Read about how to prepare your students for the world of work.
9. Find out how robotics are changing global industry
This blogpost takes a look at the way automation is redesigning the workplace. It explores the idea of ‘smart’ workplaces and the way that human operators will interact with robots and industrial systems. What’s more, robots are becoming a presence in the world of education too, with the development of educational robots to help with STEM subjects.
Learn more about how robotics is changing global industry.
10. Learn about the school experience of the youngest learners
When three year olds have a great first experience at school, it can set the course for the rest of their education. In this article, you’ll read about the research that informed the development of the new Early Years programme, and find out what best practice looks like at this educational stage.
Read about supporting learners aged 3 to 5, and why reception matters.
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Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels