How global universities are responding to centre assessed grades

How global universities are responding to centre assessed grades

Global universities are understandably hard at work formalising their response to the worldwide disruption of school exams and assessments in order to mitigate the impact of this on their future student recruitment. At Pearson, we are doing all we can to enable students to take...


Global universities are understandably hard at work formalising their response to the worldwide disruption of school exams and assessments in order to mitigate the impact of this on their future student recruitment.

At Pearson, we are doing all we can to enable students to take their desired next steps in education including regularly communicating with universities and governments globally about the exam cancellations and our progress in awarding calculated grades. Many universities and admissions bodies have already confirmed that these grades will be accepted for undergraduate entry as with previous years, and that they will apply the same flexibility and fairness to students across all UK, national and international examination boards.

In support, we are liaising regularly with our global university contacts about our progress on calculated grades and support for private candidates, and are now able to share example feedback from some popular destinations for Pearson Edexcel students. Some of this guidance has been provided directly to our Progression and Recognition team or is available on university websites.

The key information

  • 2020 calculated grades are accepted as a valid record of student achievement and institutions that usually offer advanced credit will continue to do so using these grades, as with previous years.
  • Universities are directly updating students that have already applied and the counsellors that support them.
  • Feedback from universities is a work in progress! Just like the rest of us, they are dealing with all of the challenges and uncertainties COVID-19 has created,  including switching to online delivery and support to existing students and staff.

Global university calculated grade statements and resources

See this selection of calculated grade acceptance statements from global universities.

In it, we have pulled together information from universities in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Germany, Hong Kong, Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands showing their updated admissions policies and how calculated grades, private candidates who may be unable to supply calculated grades as expected, and evaluations for advanced standing/credit have been factored into the 2020/21 admissions cycle.

For the latest updates as we get them, please bookmark our COVID-19 (coronavirus) update for international schools page on our qualifications website.


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