Four free webinars to help you teach maths and English online

Four free webinars to help you teach maths and English online

As learners around the world continue to learn from home, we held four free webinars to help you continue to teach maths and English online. You can watch the recordings on demand here. Engage students learning at home with Inspire English International Recorded Monday 11...


As learners around the world continue to learn from home, we held four free webinars to help you continue to teach maths and English online. You can watch the recordings on demand here.

Engage students learning at home with Inspire English International

Recorded Monday 11 May 2020

Kevin Hiatt, Pearson’s Senior Product Manager for Inspire English International, will walk you through an example lesson using the online ActiveBooks and teaching tools found in ActiveLearn and highlight the engaging content in Inspire English International that will inspire your students’ learning at home.

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Teaching online using Maths Progress International

Recorded Tuesday 12 May 2020

Katherine Pate, Pearson Series Editor for Maths Progress International, will walk you through how to use this new programme for teaching your students maths online. The session will cover:

  • An example lesson using the online ActiveBooks
  • The teaching tools found in ActiveLearn
  • Assessment options and checking work
  • What to expect from Maths Progress International in the coming weeks
  • Top tips for teaching online (as shared by other teachers!)

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Keep students practising their Maths at home with Abacus

Recorded Wednesday 13 May 2020

Pearson Professional Development expert, Iona Bradley will introduce you to Abacus and what you can expect to find on our ActiveLearn trial. We’ll show you how to find the maths resources you need, how to allocate activities to your students, a detailed look at the pupil world, and how you can report on what they’ve been doing from home. We’ll also show you our favourite maths games that will make sure your students keep inspired to learn at home.

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Keep students reading at home with the Bug Club Family

Recorded Thursday 14 May 2020

Pearson Professional Development expert, Shahina Burnett will introduce you to the whole Bug Club Family and what you can expect to find on our ActiveLearn trial. We’ll show you how to find the resources you need, how to allocate eBooks to your students, a detailed look at the pupil world, and how you can report on what they’ve been reading from home. We’ll also show you our favourite Bug Club eBooks that will make sure your students keep inspired to read at home.

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Free access to our primary and secondary ActiveLearn platforms to support your online learning

To support you through the COVID-19 pandemic, we are providing free access to our primary and secondary ActiveLearn platforms and resources to keep your students learning online in a wide range of subjects. Register for a free trial for our ActiveLearn resources including Bug Club and Abacus and you can use them for free with your learners until 31 August 2020.

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